Good afternoon,

Visualfy is a company led by deaf and hearing people in order to create new technologies serving Deaf People.

As you can see, we have already begun recruiting Deaf People, the workforce will be increased in the following months.

If you have the right training and are interested in working in a technological company, do not hesitate to send your Curriculum Vitae to jobs@visualfy.com.

We need some Android and Apple developers, UX designers, marketing and social networks specialists, data science, systems administrator, telemarketers…

We have observed that a large part of the young deaf people have no motivation to study due to the difficult access to the work place, so a large part of them end up working in the cleaning sector, the car manufacturing or jobs with high noise pollution where the not deaf people do not want to work.

From Visualfy we want to help to change things, here we offer quality work in an environment without communication barriers, as everyone working in Visualfy is obliged to learn Sign Language.

Week after week we will inform you more about us.

Visualfy, good things are coming.


On Friday, February 3, the Ateneo of Madrid organises a solidarity event for good music lovers. The Madrid Actors Choir and Sign Language Interpreters of the CILSEM Association offer different types of music so deaf people can be at the same level as the rest of the audience.

This solidarity venue is sponsored and organized by the Association of Persons with Disabilities “La Barandilla” and Lajman Day Hospital. All the money collected will be entirely given to the homeless people of Madrid to provide clothing and non-perishable food products.


According to the WHO, 360 million people worldwide with hearing loss and 70 million use Sign Language (LS) to communicate, but very few people understand them. In Spain, more than one million people are facing this communication barrier. That is why they have been fighting since the 70s and on every June 14, the National Day of Sign Languages, they try to make the society aware of this group and its language.

Deaf People also face another difficulty. In our country, there are about 500 interpreters of Sign Language accredited to cover about 40,000 services per year. According to data from the National Confederation of the Deaf (CNSE) in Spain there is an interpreter for 221 people, while the European average is an interpreter for 10 people.

The CNSE proposes ten signs of the Spanish Sign Language (LSE) that everyone should know:

  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Goodnight
  • Deaf person
  • Communication
  • Accessibility
  • Sign language
  • Please
  • Thank you
  • Identity

Finally, the CNSE says that for the young deaf people, their language is everything: “their life, beauty, communication, accessibility, participation, sharing and feeling”.


On 25 January, the Health and Social Services Commission at the Senate unanimously approved a motion by Podemos-En Comú Podem-En Marea, asking the Government to recognize deafblindness as a unique disability and not as it currently stands, as two independent disabilities.

The motion, defended by the senator of We-En Comú Podem-En Marea Pilar Lima, agreed with the Popular Parliamentary Group and the Socialist Group. Senator Pilar Lima explained that the lack of recognition of deafblindness as a single disability prevents from knowing how many people are deafblind in Spain and do not value the isolation or communication systems they need or how they participate in their community.

The proposal also called for the elaboration of a national plan for the detection and comprehensive care of deafblind people to promote the full development of their rights in all areas.


These are the ten most exceptional people of the year 2016:

  • Javier Soto is the first deaf person in Spain to get a doctorate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences to demonstrate that athletes have more visual than sound stimuli.
  • Cristina Marcos is currently investigating the candidiasis fungus, which affects people with HIV and the elderly.
  • René González was the first deaf person in Mexico to do his doctorate in Sciences Education after finishing his Psychology degree.
  • Marc Domenech was the first deaf child who, at age of 11, participated in a successful Spanish film.
  • The deaf actor Carlos Soroa participated in the short film “Yes to everything”.
  • The US Wells Fargo bank made an announcement where a couple of lesbian women learned Sign Language to be able to communicate with the deaf girl they were about to adopt.
  • Ángela María Nardolillo is an American woman who prepares deaf women for self-defense, who are 150% more vulnerable to violence and sexual abuse.
  • The “I Love Coffee” coffee shop in South Africa offers the possibility for its customers to learn Sign Language with their deaf waiters. They won an award for disability empowerment.
  • Molly Bartholomew is an interpreter of Sign Language specializing in musical interpretation. Her interpretation in Sign Language of Adelle’s song in 2016 was very successful.
  • “Maltesers” is a type of chocolate from the Mars company. In 2016 they recorded a very funny television ad, which featured two deaf people without subtitles or voiceover.
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