
Startups Mansion

In August 2014 Visualfy received great news, we had been selected to participate in Startups Mansion New York, we didn’t know the world of startups, we didn’t dominated the language, we didn’t know exactly where the program was, but it was there waiting for the Big Apple had been selected and if we should take the opportunity and try to learn the most from the experience.

So, last 10th September 2014 began a great adventure. 32 entrepreneurs, mostly Spanish and 6 people in the organization, we were about to share a house 24 hours a day for three full months across the ocean, in the Heart of Silicon Valley.

The intention was to share experiences and knowledge to develop new or improve existing projects and get prepare the perfect business plan for presentation to US investors.

Three months were very intense, full of enthusiasm and desire to learn. Three months of hard work, joys and decepcciones. Three months of new knowledge and new people. Three months of fresh air that made ​​us see things differently and begin the arduous path of entrepreneurship in a technology startup.

Now after a year we can only look back and thank the par organization trusting us, peers to be there in good times and bad, friends and helps the family to be Visualfy fans unconditional and all, all the people who trust us to get soon a more equal future.