
Congratulations and support from the UN

I just met the Visualfy app and I want to congratulate you for so valuable tool for people with hearing and visual impairment.

In my capacity of Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Disability and Accessibility I have been insisting that ICT have to devote to caring for people with disabilities because they have been forgotten among the forgotten and they have waited too long already to be taken into account in all: public policies, basic services, social organizations and so on.

Visualfy incorporates an extra aspect in this call for science and supportive technology, which is to involve the same people with disabilities throughout the process, from research to the release and marketing.

I agree absolutely with you in that “convert barriers in quarries to build a better future for young people” and I’m excited the interest and dedication they are putting in train new generations of deaf in an inclusive world.

I hope that Visualfy can soon be downloaded from any platform and I would like to have more contact with you to learn closely about not only the scope of the application but Fusió d’Arts, the core of Visualfy.

My supportive hug goes to all the beautiful team that is crystallizing the dream of inclusion.